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[BLOG #25] Siamese Dream - Part 3

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[BLOG #25] Siamese Dream - Part 3

Post by nobby »

Hi Carmafans! Nob here again!

So, I have a short but significunt update for you today… with some news and pics of progress on my beloved Siamese Dream!

As you’ll know from the various updates and progress reports, extensive work on the final stages of the in-game renderer have continued to frustrate our wishes to get you some juicy in-game stuff to see. But, that is set to change very soon. In the meantime, what I’ve got for you today is a sample of the progress on the vehicles – which is moving on apace now. The development of the methodology for construction was completed some time ago, meaning the cars are now able to move fully through the art pipeline and be ready for their debut in the game itself looking all shiny, textury, painty (and damagey… oooh so damagey, when appropriate).

So, going back to the example I’d previously been showing you in development, that of Siamese Dream. When we last spoke of the car, it had been superbly sketched by me (er-hem), and then concepted by one of our suite of vehicle artists, Stu.



Since then, it’s been modelled and textured, and can now be driven in the game. You can smash it up. It buckles, it bends, bits fall off and it gets all scuffed and battered. However, all I am going to reveal today (I’m such a tease) is how it looked at the end of the modelling and texturing process.

First up, here’s the model of the vehicle:


Oo! Next, a series of views of the Siamese Dream with all its clothes finally on. All modelled and textured:



And of course, that huge turbine engine with its afterburner is going to have some lovely effects belching from that massive gaping orifice, with the power of the thing and the nature of its propulsion having fascinating potential for affecting its handling!



It’s now also the case that each completed car is set up for damage, and also has its suspension and IK systems set up. So, the cars crush and fall apart, and their suspension systems and running gear (steering rack, driveshafts etc.) are all in full working order. And the development and implementation of these systems will be the subject of future update articles.

Cor! The next stage of our reveals will include a sneaky peek at textured car, in textured scene – as I revisit another of our previously revealed cars and show how things are progressing, on a larger scale!

Nob out!

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